ECD Quality Toolkit Presentation

This presentation includes an update on the progress of the ECD CoP’s ECD Quality Reflective Toolkit.The purpose reflection tool is to help practitioners (including care-givers, trainers and other stakeholders) think about quality in ECD and reflect on: “What is quality ECD provision in practice?”

National ECD CoP Meeting Highlights 20190611

The second National ECD CoP of the year focused on Parental Involvement in the Early Years. We had a few presentations from our CoP members who gave us an idea of how they try to involve parents/caregivers from a health and educational perspective. Cotlands also gave us some information on how they have started using […]

Cross-Cutting Communities of Practice

A community of practice might focus on a range of topics and different focus areas in a shared context (e.g. types of schools), or on a specific topic (e.g. ICT) interest which plays out in a number of contexts.   BRIDGE runs two communities of practice of this nature.

School Leadership Communities of Practice

Effective leadership is the foundation for successful learning in schools, with the school principal playing a central role as a change agent. BRIDGE supports and capacitates school principals in their roles as instructional leaders in order to improve school functionality and enable productive teaching and learning.

National ECD CoP Meeting Highlights Oct 2016

Read these Meeting Highlights for an overview of the National ECD Community of Practice Meeting on 13 October 2016. The focus of the meeting was innovation, and involved presentations on the Innovation Edge, the Saide African Storybook Project and the ECD Quality Toolkit Pilot Project.

National: ECD Community of Practice

Rationale and Purpose Early Childhood Development (ECD) is central to a child’s development: it lays the groundwork for successful learning, which in turn helps children progress confidently into formal schooling. In this way it serves as a foundation for the development of an active and educated citizenry which can contribute to social and economic advancement. […]